The 101 Association, Inc.
For the preservation and enjoyment of 1928 to 1931 Indian Scout Motocycles
"You can't wear out an Indian Scout"

Exhaust questions

  • 23 Apr 2015 12:52 PM
    Message # 3314249
    Deleted user

    I purchased this exhaust system from Starklite

    and today received new exhaust nuts from walker. I knew this was not an exact copy of the system but the tubing they used is larger than the nut and will not fit. I measured the diameter in the exhaust nut and it appears that the tubing should be 1 1/4" tubing. Is this correct? 

    I intend to purchase some mandrel bent 1 1/4" tubing and make my own down drops. Also can anyone explain the end that seals, on the cheap system the end of the tube is just flared I am thinking of machining a better fitting part and brazing or welding it on. Any pictures or advise would be much appreciated. 

  • 24 Apr 2015 3:37 AM
    Reply # 3315016 on 3314249

    Hi Peter,

    There are two types of down tubes. Early types were push-on fitting to the motor and later types had nuts that fixed the pipes to the cylinders. Sounds like you have the early ones. If so, can you get back to supplier and change the down pipes for correct ones ? Probably easiest fix ?


  • 24 Apr 2015 10:19 AM
    Reply # 3315361 on 3314249
    Deleted user

    Yeah I have threads on my cylinders so later type. I still need to know what the end of the pipe looks like and the diameter of the tube because the pipes I purchased are the only ones they make and they were cheap so just going to use the muffler and make my own down tubes. 

  • 24 Apr 2015 11:09 AM
    Reply # 3315443 on 3314249
    Deleted user

    The ends are flared at the cylinders on the system with nuts, and the nuts are coned internally to fit with that.

    The downtubes is the most difficult part of the system as they have multiple direction bends and there is so many tight spots. The cones needs to fit perfectly to the cylinders not to soil the cylinders all over with soot and burnt oil. And both tubes needs to align perfectly to the collector tube below in order to slot in at assembly and keep reasonable tight.

    And the collector needs to be aligned perfect with the 3 clamps under (2 at the collector and 1 for the silencer) and also make a slight bend in order to clear the rear wheel better, a detail some repro systems is missing. All details needs to jive up strainless in order to be tight and not brake down in time. It is a system very difficult to make on your own if not experienced and well stocked up with some tranqulisers.

    I have to warmly recommend Walkers complete system that is a real mirror of a original and fits like a glove without modification on several bikes I've tested it on. Well, I might have hammer peened the cylinder cones slightly to adjust for different cylinders. OD of the ones I have is 31,6-31,7mm and 1,6mm thick.

    Last modified: 24 Apr 2015 11:14 AM | Deleted user
  • 24 Apr 2015 11:27 AM
    Reply # 3315454 on 3314249
    Deleted user

    Thanks for the info I love a challenge so am going to attempt to make some pipes when I finally get my frame back from the frame guy

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