The 101 Association, Inc.
For the preservation and enjoyment of 1928 to 1931 Indian Scout Motocycles
"You can't wear out an Indian Scout"

Splitdorf NS Magneto

  • 10 Feb 2015 2:52 PM
    Message # 3222556
    Deleted user

    My Magneto has a bit of slop in the bearings. I was wondering if anyone knew of a replacement bearing for the Mag. I am trying to tighten up the slop in the Mag.



  • 11 Feb 2015 4:14 AM
    Reply # 3223327 on 3222556
    Tim Raindle (Administrator)

    Marks Magneto in Hartford has them , Randy may also.  George normally has a few of them in stock. 

  • 12 Feb 2015 9:22 AM
    Reply # 3224360 on 3222556
    Deleted user


    Thanks for the info. I found some at a local Classic car restoration shop. Of all places!

    I am rebuilding my NS Magneto and I am going to try to Electroless nickle plating the shafts (In my Wife's New Kitchen!)on the armature and lap the taper and grind the shaft side to remove the slop in the gears and get them running concentric again. When I removed the bearing races from the armature, I found a shim behind one. This brings up another question. How much end play should I set up my magneto Armature to have? I'm thinking .005" maybe? Any other areas should I pay close attention to?



  • 13 Feb 2015 4:14 AM
    Reply # 3225162 on 3222556
    Tim Raindle (Administrator)

    Think .005 too much , Dave, I think you are aiming for about .001 , anyone else reference this?

    I would also go for a new coil and condensor as a matter of course, Marks Magneto will have these, an exchange basis on the coil. He may confirm end float. 

    Magnet should be remagnetised too,  red spot should face the front of the bike.

  • 13 Feb 2015 5:44 PM
    Reply # 3225748 on 3222556
    Deleted user


    Red Spot? I wish I knew about the red spot before I cleaned it up? Well does anyone know if this is the Positive or Negative side? Also I think you are right, I'll tighten up the end play. I,m going into my shop tomorrow to work on this magneto I'll keep everybody posted on the outcome. I have a Coils and Condenser I purchased  from Randy. I need to make the hold down straps and the magneto cap clips also.  I need to figure out how to charge the magnet? Can I hand it from a scrap yard Magnet for a few minutes?

    Thanks Tim!

  • 14 Feb 2015 3:29 AM
    Reply # 3225917 on 3222556
    Deleted user

    With a permanent magnet you will not recharge it with enough power. It takes a lot of force to remagnetise a magneto.

    There's a lot of tutorials and tips on the web.

    Sideplay depends on the type of bearings, if the ball bearings is demountable - the inner and outer race and cage of balls is separate, as in a Bosch D-type - the sideplay should be shimmed to zero. But I think the bearings you use is deep groove ball bearings and if the bearings are pressed on the shafts and in the housing, the side play can not be greater than the sideplay in the bearings. Measure that and shim to that. If the bearing is floating on the shaft, the sideplay should be just a tad greater than the bearing sideplay. I belive the housing is expanding more than the shaft. But check the books first before take my word for it....

    Last modified: 14 Feb 2015 3:46 AM | Deleted user
  • 18 Feb 2015 9:59 AM
    Reply # 3228679 on 3222556
    Deleted user

    Well the nickel plating on the shafts worked well. Took a while to build up .005" but it worked.

    End play is set and now I need to get the magnet re-charged. Thanks for all the links  on this subject. I reground the taper "11 degrees total angle" on the armature and lapped the gear in with a hardened ground pin I ground at the same time. This eliminated any run out in the drive gear.This is the sweetest running Magneto out there.

    I just ordered cap and rotor from Jurgen. I hope it meets my expectations. German quality is always superior so not too worried. I am going to paint it with a brown base color to match stock. Without clear coat it gives you a matte finish. Looks great.

    On to the Generator drive gear box. Like everything else... It's a mess. It looks like it lost lubrication and spun the bearings. Time to re-bore and make some bearings!



  • 20 Feb 2015 10:05 PM
    Reply # 3231215 on 3222556
    Deleted user

    Original the generator drive gear box tend to leak oil through the output shaft bushing, and in my R&O the tips on how to avoid that is missing, but was it in a WOW paper or in a Service Shots from the factory, I have seen that the remedy is to drill a drain hole inside the case through at the underside of the bushing boss for the oil to escape back in. Another is to machine a O-ring or square ring groove in the bushing.

    Last modified: 20 Feb 2015 10:19 PM | Deleted user
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