The 101 Association, Inc.
For the preservation and enjoyment of 1928 to 1931 Indian Scout Motocycles
"You can't wear out an Indian Scout"

Splitdorf S2 points

  • 26 Nov 2014 11:11 PM
    Message # 3158853


    I am a new owner of a '28 Police Special short frame.  15 years ago it went through a mostly cosmetic restoration.  I suspect the people who did the work never meant to ride anywhere on it, quite the opposite of me.  While it looks great and does run, and the engine sounds mechanically sound, it suffers from ignition failure after a few minutes of kind of rough running.  I have tried another condenser but still get the same results.  When it dies, the points are not making and I suspect they are my problem, despite cleaning, resurfacing, gapping and aligning the contacts carefully.  The points are old and somewhat knackered.  Almost anything I do to them makes them work again, but not for long.

    Who can supply a new set of points for the Splitdorf S2 magneto?  If worse comes to worse, who is the go-to person to rebuild it?

    Wanting to ride my Scout,

    Dick Tuttle,  Santa Clara, California

  • 27 Nov 2014 6:55 AM
    Reply # 3158944 on 3158853
    Tim Raindle (Administrator)

    Have you replaced the coil, Dick ?

  • 27 Nov 2014 12:06 PM
    Reply # 3159091 on 3158853
    Deleted user

    Yes, do replace the coil first, many times moisture has entered the coil and oxidised the soldered wire connections within. But before you take it apart, be certain you know where to go to have the magnet remagnetized afterward, that is essential for a strong reliable spark from a magnet. Best is a new rewound coil that is vaacum impregnated, but if you got nothing to loose you could carefully remove the cloth cover, check the resistance and isolation of the 2 windings, and if they are good, resolder the connections and then replace the cover with thin cotton ribbon lightly wetted with epoxy resin.  A very in depth description of a rotating armature mag restauration can be found here, but he doesn't go deep in the tech of rewinding a coil.

    Splitdorfs used on the Indians have rotating magnetos and the coils are somewhat easier to demount and mend.

  • 27 Nov 2014 12:21 PM
    Reply # 3159095 on 3158853

    Thank you Tim and Carl-Erik for the speedy reply.  I have yet to delve into the coil but will do so soon.  Is there a ready parts source for this Splitdorf?

    Dick Tuttle

  • 28 Nov 2014 4:08 AM
    Reply # 3159251 on 3158853
    Tim Raindle (Administrator)

    Points an issue, coils available on exchange (thru George at a pinch, call him) think they are up around $ 180ish. bearings also available. caps and rotors not so, Hecker in Europe has repros, altho in black. Randy has some in correct colour coming next year, hopefully.

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