After reading our shop manual it says that the only thing in the NS-2 magneto that really requires lubrication is the "breaker bar bearing". They suggest a graphite lube for it. I am assuming this must be the ball bearing underneath the breaker cam. I suppose that might make sense since I don't think there is a way to oil it like there is on the bearing on the other side of the magneto. But, if anyone could confirm that would be great.
Also, I thought the purpose of the oil wicks on the cam was to apply a thin coat of oil to the cam while it is in operation. I remember being told long ago to apply a few drops of oil to the cam wicks so that the contact point between the breaker and the cam is always lubricated. Is that not the case? Seems like lubrication between two moving parts would be a good idea, but maybe I am missing something :)