I'm starting spring riding season (1928 101) off with a problem: the front exhaust valve lifter push rod guide is rising up out of its press-fit. This is holding the exhaust valve open. It’s risen up twice which means it’s now increasingly, and hopelessly loose.
This heavily used engine will need a major overhaul this next winter. But I don't want to stop and take time out of my other shop work or riding around to do that now.
I'm contemplating a quick fix: drill into the aluminum case at a strategic location until the side of the hardened (iron?) guide is reached (should be easy to feel that), thread hole with a bottom end tap, and thread in a pressure pin against the guide. Fill the hole when the engine is eventually disassembled. When the guide is reached it may be possible to drill with a cobalt or carbide- tipped bit a shallow indent for the pin to go into it - however the risk of breaking the brittle drill bit in the hole would be cause for great care.
The reason for threading is to repeat pressure if needed or to back it out if the trick just totally fails.
Do you think that is crazy to try?
Would you buy a motorcycle from this man?