I am pleased no one else has had an issue maybe its a regional thing for NZ.
Harry you are correct, I thought I’d made it clear I do not have a Paypal account, previously I have used the option they have/had of doing a payment using a debit card without signing up for an account.
My personal preference where possible to do a bank transfer.
I do not, never have had a Paypal account. I try very hard to keep anything financial offline same with an online presence. The Association is the only exception.
Financially I know people are going to say its secure and I am sure it works well for some even most but having twice spent days and weeks sweating while my bank “discovered” that actually fraud had taken place and I hadn’t either been in Romania or ordered $3000 worth of pizza I like to keep things simple.
I do not spend much time these days online check emails and the news thats it.